7 reasons why your content marketing is not working

If I tell you everyone can do content marketing, would you believe it? Well if you believe it or not, you can use content marketing in small businesses, B2Cs, and B2Bs. Basically, everyone can use the advantage of content writing.

Since 70% of all businesses make use of content-writing strategies. It’s quite a significant number of businesses that are ready to go. Like every advantage, there are disadvantages as well. Everyone using content marketing not necessarily is winning the game, for them, content marketing is failing.

Only 5% of B2C marketers consider their content marketing efforts to be beneficial for them.

In this blog, I am going to give you the best content marketing strategies in 2023, with which one can know the importance of content marketing.

7 obstacles for which your content marketing is not working

Refine your strategy

A bad strategy is better than a no-strategy. With a bad one, you can actually understand the places that need change. With no strategy, you will do whatever you want, with no benefits at all. Hence losing your brand.

  • A successful content marketing strategy starts with defining your KPIs
  • Don’t rely on a content marketing company to make your strategy for you
  • Give more time to content marketing.
  • Publishing is not a strategy.

Give time to your content

Give time to everything properly. To put it another way, if you want results with your content, speed enough money to make a difference. Look at the effective content marketers and the least effective content marketers, what do you see?

A difference of 26%. There is a lot of money invested in content marketing but the real formulae are ignored. Look for great ROI, and focus on less expensive methods than the expensive ones if money is the reason.

Promote your content

Why aren’t you promoting your content? The bizarre way to kill your content is to look at it ever. Meaning some marketers believe content marketing is all about creating content. They also have this very wrong idea that the content is read, organic traffic gets increased, got converted, and more customers are yet to come. Every wrong. Period.

Promoting your content needs:

  • Email newsletter
  • Facebook posting
  • Tweets
  • Sharing it on Linkedin
  • Marketing email to a landing page

Make your content provide value

Make it clear to yourself, that content marketing means only producing content, but the quality has to be impressive. whatever you are writing about your brand will have an impact, a negative impact will make your brand look bad and poorly performed.

Chose the tough niche

If your content marketing is lagging behind, maybe because you have not thought before picking the right niche and now it has become alien to you. If you are struggling consider these points to be your obstacles.

  • Industries where people do not even bother being online
  • Industries that people don’t even know about, like B2B
  • Industries that aren’t much of interest.


Everything takes time, then why not content marketing, especially this one? Don’t look forward to having results right in front of you within a matter of a few wells or months. Your content will be time to gain traction and deliver organic results. It’s a marathon, not a morning run!

Improve your SEO

Know the right fact, there is no rivalry between SEO and content writing, rather they are bffs. They work together! For cases where you see your SEO is not up to the mark, meaning you are not providing good enough content. If handling the SEO is an issue hire someone with SEO virtue like Esspesoft- the best content marketing company in Kolkata. With a help of a professional, you can offer content with confidence.


There you go with 7 reasons why your content marketing is not working, by Esspesoft-best content marketing company in Kolkata.

Apart from these 7 reasons there will be more, as the new year with new innovations come. To get updated on each one of them visit www.esspesoft.com

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