If you can’t show it, they won’t buy it. You might possess the best service with top-notch quality, be the best ecommerce design company in Kolkata and a confounding ecommerce site. However if you don’t bring traffic, meaning bring people to check out your website, then i am sorry you won’t be making any sales or profiting from any. Don’t ever think that just by bringing traffic to your site is enough, the quality should be high as well, because that is what is going to help you with the sales. Therefore good quality drives traffic to your site and the more traffic the more the sales. In this blog we are going to guide you in applying the 5 most relevant strategies for bringing traffic to your ecommerce website. 


Whenever you are in e-commerce marketing and decide to work in the field for the rest of your life. You should be aware of some strategies that help in bringing traffic to your website.Let’s get on with it, shall we?

Attract with Content Marketing 

If you ask us, we would definitely suggest you start focusing on content marketing., why? Because content marketing is effective for both small and big businesses. It does not require a huge investment, you can easily make use of the channel and also the kind of content that suits your company and helps grow further as a best ecommerce design company in Kolkata. Consistency is one of the keys to a successful content marketing strategy. If you write one blog post in a year, it is not going to work; rather you have to maintain the flow by writing content that attracts your target audiences and their interests. 

Work on SEO

As we speak, you have your audiences looking for your services already. You need to do everything to bring your online service to the top results of the SERP page. You can do that by optimizing your SEO.You have to take out time and do research on the keywords that suits you which are used by your target patrons. Once you do that, focus your SEO on those specific ones. 

Social Media Marketing 

The first thing you need to identify are the platforms that suit your brand. If you have an e-commerce and you want to interact with consumers then you must have a social media presence.Remember the main agenda on social media;  you have to build a community that surrounds your brand. To do that you have to reply to comments and engage with people.You should also focus on good quality images, give offers and create urgency. 

Add an Instagram Gallery

You can definitely feature your services on your instagram account by integrating an instagram gallery into your e-commerce store. It is an excellent way to increase the ecommerce traffic from instagram.Did you know? Strategies of social media marketing constitute 1.08% of ecommerce website tours that result in purchases. Not only that but it also simplifies the purchasing process for the shoppers. So if you consider Instagram your daily breakfast then this technique is the right one to follow. 

Ask Customers For Reviews

Needless to say, it’s instrumental to possess as many positive reviews about your e-commerce company  as feasible.Very few customers are going to leave a review even if they are very much satisfied with your service. But the tendency of leaving a review increases when they are asked politely. So,just nudge a bit. 


There are many e-commerce companies in Kolkata, but Esspesoft, the best ecommerce design company in Kolkata guarantees to offer their services with full satisfaction.We have worked on many projects nationally and internationally. Our efficient team is capable enough to deliver your wants and needs. If you have any query fill the form down below. Our team will contact you shortly. 

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